Legit Ways To Get A Cheap (Even Free) Notary: Saving Money Without Compromising Authenticity

Legit Ways To Get A Cheap (Even Free) Notary: Saving Money Without Compromising Authenticity


Notarization is an essential process in legal matters that involves the verification and authentication of signatures on important documents. The purpose of notarization is to deter fraud, confirm the identity of parties involved, and ensure the validity of transactions. However, notarization fees can add up significantly, especially when dealing with multiple documents or traveling long distances to meet a notary public. For those looking to save money without compromising authenticity, this article will explore some legitimate ways to obtain a cheap or even free notary service.

Understanding Notary Fees

Before diving into the alternative methods for obtaining affordable notarization services, it's crucial to understand the typical costs and why they vary. Notaries public typically charge per document signed. Travel fees may also apply when using a mobile notary. The cost of notarization can range from $5 to over $20 per document, with travel fees added on top if necessary.

Notaries have the power to set their own fees due to the lack of standardization across jurisdictions and the limited oversight of their services. Additionally, some notaries may charge more in high-demand areas where competition is low or in cases where the document's complexity warrants a higher fee.

Legitimate Ways to Get a Cheap or Free Notary

Now that we have a better understanding of notary fees and why they can be expensive, let's explore some legit ways to get a cheap or even free notary service.

A) Using a Friend or Family Member as a Notary (if they are qualified)

While friends and family members cannot notarize documents for you out of the kindness of their hearts, they may be able to help if they are certified notaries public themselves. Becoming a notary involves meeting specific eligibility requirements, including age, residency, background check, and completion of an approved course.

Utilizing this method has its limitations and risks. Your friend or family member might not always be available when you need them, and they may have their own schedule constraints. Additionally, there is a risk of potential conflicts of interest if they stand to gain from the transaction or document being notarized. Make sure to discuss these issues with your friend or family member before proceeding.

B) Utilizing Free Notary Services Offered by Some Companies and Organizations

Several companies and organizations offer free notary services as a value-added benefit to their customers. Examples include banks, libraries, post offices, and certain organizations such as the Red Cross and AARP. These services may have conditions or limitations, so it's essential to check with each organization beforehand. For instance, some might limit free notarization to members only or restrict it to specific types of documents.

C) Using an Online Notary Service

Online notarization is a viable alternative to traditional notarization that can save time and money. With online notarization, you sign your document digitally in the presence of a remote notary public using video conferencing technology. Many online notaries offer competitive pricing or even free services for specific types of documents.

The security and legality of online notaries have been a concern for some, but most states now recognize online notarization as a legitimate option, provided that the notary follows established guidelines. It's essential to ensure that you use a reputable online notary service to minimize potential risks.

D) Bartering or Donating Services in Exchange for Notarization

Another way to get cheap notarization services is by offering something of value in return, such as goods or services. However, bartering or donating comes with ethical considerations and risks that should be carefully weighed (7). For example, a notary may be seen as compromising their integrity if they accept a valuable consideration for performing their duties.

In some cases, offering a small token of appreciation might be acceptable, but it's crucial to discuss this possibility with the notary beforehand and ensure that they are comfortable with the arrangement.

Collaborative Notarizations (Notary Sharing)

Collaborative notarization, also known as notary sharing, is an option where two or more parties seeking notarization come together to split the cost. This method can significantly reduce the overall cost of notarization for all parties involved. However, it's essential to ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in the process and that there are no conflicts of interest.

FAQ Section

  • Q: What is a notary public, and what role do they play in legal matters?

    A: A notary public is an official appointed by the state government to witness and authenticate signatures for various documents. They serve as impartial witnesses, ensuring that parties involved in a transaction have signed voluntarily and under their own free will, thus adding an extra layer of security and preventing fraudulent activities.

  • Q: Why are notary services essential?

    A: Notarization helps to ensure the validity of various transactions by confirming the identity of the signatories and deterring fraud, forgery, and other malicious acts. It's a crucial step in protecting individuals and organizations from potential identity theft, financial losses, or legal issues.

  • Q: How much does it typically cost to hire a notary public?

    A: The cost of hiring a notary public varies depending on factors such as location, complexity of the document, and travel fees (if applicable). Fees can range from $5 to over $20 per document, with some notaries charging more in high-demand areas.

  • Q: What are the legitimate ways to get a cheap or free notary service?

    A: Legitimate ways to obtain a cheap or even free notary service include using a friend or family member (if they're certified), utilizing free services offered by certain organizations, such as banks and libraries, employing online notaries, bartering or donating services in exchange for notarization, or collaboratively notarizing documents with others.

  • Q: Can I use a friend or family member to notarize my document?

    A: While friends or family members can't notarize documents out of kindness, they may be able to help if they are certified notaries themselves. However, there are risks and limitations involved when using them as your notary, such as conflicts of interest and scheduling constraints.

  • Q: What is an online notary service?

    A: Online notarization is the process of notarizing documents electronically through video conferencing technology in the presence of a remote notary public. It offers flexibility, convenience, and cost savings compared to traditional notarization methods.

  • Q: Are online notaries legal and secure?

    A: Online notaries are legal and secure as long as they follow established guidelines set by state governments and professional organizations. The use of advanced security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, ensures the authenticity and confidentiality of the documents being notarized.

  • Q: Can I offer a gift or barter services to get a notary service for free?

    A: Offering a gift or bartering services to a notary public can be seen as compromising their integrity. While a small token of appreciation might be acceptable, it's essential to discuss this possibility with the notary beforehand and ensure that they are comfortable with the arrangement.

  • Q: What is collaborative notarization?

    A: Collaborative notarization, also known as notary sharing, is a method where two or more parties seeking notarization come together to split the cost. This approach can significantly reduce the overall cost of notarization for all parties involved while ensuring that all documents are authentically notarized.


Getting a cheap or even free notary service doesn't have to mean sacrificing authenticity. By utilizing the methods discussed in this article, you can save money while ensuring that your documents remain valid and trustworthy. Remember that every situation is unique, so it's essential to evaluate each option carefully and consider the potential limitations and risks involved. Ultimately, the primary focus should always be on ensuring the authenticity of your documents and protecting yourself from potential fraud or identity theft.

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