
Some information on this web blog may be considered as financial advices. However, they are no more than advices. While reading articles on this blog you don't need to follow the instructions as they are. Your goal is to use a particular instruction as a starting point for further investigation of the issue.

One more time, my primary goal is to inform you on how the issue could be solved, but not provide the solution. You may follow the links in the articles to visit the official governmental websites and documents. You must to consult with your financial advisor before make any decision. All the articles on this website bear informational purposes only. Don't use the information as it is.

My dream is that any housewife have a chance to know some useful life-hacks and use them in her everyday routine. Whether it be couponing or personal finances, my primary goal is to pay your attention to the subject.

Internet is not the source of knowledge. While browsing through Wikipedia pages, don't rely on this information. This information is only a starting point. My blog is also a starting point to frugal living and nothing else. Only you sense jointly with professional assistance may lead positive changes in your life. No one can say what exactly you need to do. While browsing pages on this blog, you just read the book and absorb the information which may be useful.

Please be very careful by taking decisions as many people just to want earn money belonging to you. This blog is INSTEAD the place, where I want to you about this. Being frugal is to avoid mistakes. Be careful and prudent and you will live frugal life.